30/09/96 Om Shanti Avyakt BapDada Madhuban 02/02/76
The Flames of Destruction through the Intense Stage of the Brahmins.
(The chart of three types of children.)
Today, BapDada was seeing the chart of His three types of children. What are these three types? First are the mouthborn progeny Brahmins who co operate with BapDada in His task of establishing the new world. Second are thebhagats who constantly remain engaged in thinking about and calling out to BapDada and the Brahmins. Third arethe Yadavs who are instruments for the transformation of the old world. The task of establishment has to becompleted by all these three types of children. This is why BapDada was seeing the chart of all three types ofchildren. So what did BapDada see? Of course, all children who are instruments for a particular task are definitelyengaged in their own task. However, until they have reached the extreme intensity of their task, there cannot be theend, because the sign of the end is the extreme. All three have force in their task, but it is only full force that willenable them to finish the course of their task.
Within the chart of the bhagats, Baba saw that 75% of the bhagats are bhagats who have selfish motives to attainname, fame and honour as temporary fruit of bhakti. This is why the account of the fruit of their action is nowfinished. The Father does not need to give them any fruit. The remaining 25% of bhagats are doing bhaktinumberwise according to their love. They are to receive the fruit of their bhakti in this old world because the accountof bhakti is now to finish for half a kalpa. The state that Baba saw in these bhagats is that they receive the fruit oftheir temporary love instantly, that is, they do something now and they instantly receive its fruit for a short, temporaryperiod; it does not accumulate for the future. The form of the attainment of the bhagats is like of ants that developwings in the rainy season and begin to fly in happiness. However, their short period of flying finishes them off in thatparticular season. They attain something there and then, and it also finishes there and then. In the same way, thebhagats of today, that is, the iron aged tamopradhan bhagats, are those who become happy with the fruit of temporaryattainment. This is why, according to the drama, the task of attaining their fruit is now almost finished. Now, the taskof five attainments still remains. Therefore, they will call out very forcefully. With full force, they will especiallyinvoke the Shaktis to give them blessings, power, and courage. This is now to go into its extreme and then finish. So,the register of the bhagats is now almost complete. The little that remains will be completed when they receive thelittle fruit of whatever actions they perform. That was the news of the bhagats.
Next is the news of the Yadav army. What did Baba see in their chart? Question marks were visible in their everystep. They were very eager to increase their speed, but the more they intensified their speed, the more the wall ofquestion marks would come up in front of them and this would prevent them from having a fast speed. What are thequestion marks? One question is: Who will begin this? Should I start it or should the other one start it? The secondquestion is: Should I do it now? When should I do it? The third question is: What would be the result of this?Sometimes, the fire of anger would ignite, but then, the sprinkling of the water of the thought of what would happenwould cool the fire down. The fourth question is: Who is making all of this happen? Who is inspiring us all? Theybecome confused about this. So what state did Baba see in them? They are not able to understand their own selves.They are caught up in the conflict of having that awareness (hosh) with that full force (josh) and they, therefore,distress themselves. They wish to be in solitude, but their intellect is not able to become concentrated. This is whythey come into that force again and again. They create their plans with great speed, they even have all the necessarypreparations made; they set their time, army, weapons and the place and think that it is now about to happen. Theyremain ready with their immediate preparations.
However, at the last moment when it is to happen practically, the signal of being confused comes up. This is whythere is now just the difference of one second from the One who is inspiring them to have all their preparations ready.They have made all the necessary preparations, but are waiting for the inspiration of that one second. Theirpreparations have reached the stage where it only takes one second. They have finished their preparations and arenow waiting. So Baba saw that their chart was of having made complete preparations. Now, they are simply engagedin one task: they have refined everything, but are now finalizing their preparations with their conscience. One file offinalizing everything now remains. That was the news of the Yadavs. Now, do you wish to hear about yourselves?
Those who are receiving inspirations are ready, but what about those who are giving inspirations? In fact, it is said:Those who give, give constantly whereas those who take become tired. However, in this situation, those who are totake become tired because of not receiving. Those who are to take are ready to take, whereas those who are to giveare still busy with themselves. So what was the chart of the mouthborn progeny of Brahmins like? Do you know orshould Baba tell you about it? What speciality did Baba see in the register of the Brahmins? The majority have goodwishes for world transformation and world benefit in an emerged form. However, just as the speed of the Yadavscannot become fast because of the question marks, in the same way, whilst moving along, even though Brahmins aredefinitely to receive the instant fruit of their elevated wishes, the good wishes become merged in one form or anotherof a royal desire. And so, in the state of the Brahmins, there is the tug of war between good wishes and a royal formof desires. Just as birds finish ripe fruit, in the same way, the bird of royal desires finishes the fruit attained fromgood wishes. Because the method of transformation of the Brahmins is not that of becoming an embodiment ofsuccess, the good wishes change into desires. Therefore, they are not able to make intense effort. The intense form ofthe Brahmins will ignite the flames of destruction. This is why, in the register of the Brahmins, just the final intenseeffort of coming last and going fast remains. The task of the Yadavs is almost ready whereas the task of the Pandavsis about to become complete. The Yadavs are waiting because of the Pandavs. The stage of the elevated and spiritualhonour of the Pandavs will finish the situations of distress of the Yadavs. So, with your honour, give distressed soulsthe blessings of peace and comfort. Do you understand? Did you hear about the register of all three?
To those who have an intense form and who transform all perishable desires into elevated and good wishes; to thosewho are constant bestowers, the same as the Father, the Bestower and the Bestower of Blessings, and who, in theform of great donors and bestowers, bestow the final, temporary fruit to the bhagats; to the souls who, as perfectangels, fulfil everyone's desires, love, remembrance and namaste from BapDada.
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